Rooted In Love

We, as the members of the Interfaith Rapid Response Team, share our deepest sympathies with those who were victims of the terrible shooting in Orlando over the weekend.  We remember their family members, loved ones and community. As people of faith, we are called to respond to such tragic events with love and compassion due to each and every human being.

This was a terrible attack, a violent crime of hate.  All people irrespective of religious, racial, ethnic or sexual differences have an inherent and immeasurable worth and dignity, for each human life is considered sacred in our religious traditions.  Our radical equality before God leads us to think no less of another human being because they are different.

We urge our community to remember the shooter’s actions were taken alone and he alone bears the responsibility for his crime-not his family, his faith or his community.  Every religious tradition is rooted in love and compassion for others.

We urge religious, civic and political leaders to stand together to denounce prejudice or violence that is directed at any group. We remind our community not to give in to fear and call for a prayerful response of love and compassion during the upcoming days.  May God Almighty protect and comfort all humanity.


Rev. Stephen Copley (Christian)
Sopia Said (Muslim)
Rev. Jay Clark (Christian)
Mehmet Ulipinar (Muslim)
Rabbi Gene Levy (Jewish)
Anna Cox (Buddhist)
Jennifer Reimer (Baha’i)