Practicing the Presence of Christ.

Quiet time is a place for God to show up in our lives. Out of silence we are found by Christ, loved by Christ, and transformed by Christ. This workshop will focus on specific prayer/meditation practices which enable participants to quiet the mind and await Christ’s presence.

Tools for Prayer

Centering Prayer

Paraphrased and quoted from Thomas Keating, Open Mind, Open Heart

  • Choose a sacred word. This word is a “symbol of your intention to consent to the presence and action of God within.”
  • Sit with eyes closed in a comfortable position and “introduce the sacred word.”
  • When thoughts distract you, “ever-so-gently”return to the sacred word.
  • At the end of your prayer time take some time in silence for a few minutes to transition back.

For more information on Centering Prayer, see Contemplative Outreach

Holy Reading “Lectio Divina”

Paraphrased and adapted from Martin L. Smith, The Word is Very Near You: A Guide to Praying with Scripture

  • Read slowly through a passage of scripture until a word or phrase stands out for you. Put the Bible down and repeat the phrase of scripture in your heart.
  • Repeat the phrase, allowing it to affect you without analyzing or studying it. Simply feed on the phrase or word of scripture.
  • If the words fade then stay with the silence and be with God.
  • When distractions come, gently resume the reading or the repeating of scripture.
  • Close by thanking God for the gift of scriptured silence.

A few passages rich with potential for “Holy Reading:”

  • Genesis 1
  • Prov. 9:1-12
  • Psalms 104, 139
  • Luke 10:38-42
  • John 1:1-19
  • John 14
  • Rev. 3:20-22

Breath Prayers:

  • “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me.” (a form of the Jesus Prayer)
  • “Father, let me feel your love.”
  • “Master, teach me humility.”
  • “Holy Spirit, fill me.”
  • “Strengthen me, Jesus.”
  • “My God and my All.” (a prayer used by St. Francis)

Repeating the name of the person for whom you are praying, timing it with your breath. In choosing a breath prayer, remember to keep it short and simple. Let it express the deepest desire of your heart that you are aware of. Use the form of address to God that is most natural to you. The rhythm of the prayer may gradually synchronize with your breathing, or walking, or even with your heartbeat. A simple melody may help to carry its remembrance for you.

Scripture Prayers:

  • “Into your hands I commend my spirit.”
  • “Perfect love casts out fear.”
  • “Glory to God in the highest!”
  • “Be still and know that I am God.”
  • “Be still and know.”
  • “Lo, I am with you always.”
  • “Create in me a clean heart, O God.”
  • “Lord, I believe; help Thou my unbelief.”
  • “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”
  • “Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”
  • “Even so, come Lord Jesus!”

The words will deepen and expand in meaning as they are prayed in various settings. But after a while, meanings fade into the background and the words begin to create inward space where God’s presence and truth can be more fully experienced in the heart.

  • Deut 30:14
  • Rom. 8:26-27
  • Ezek 36:22
  • John 6:21
  • John 17
  • John 15:12-17
  • Psalm 57

Look up Scripture citations in the NRSV Bible.

To inquire about booking a workshop, Email us.

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