Dreams as a Way to Know Christ.

Dreams communicate the needs of the soul as participants prayerfully seek God’s guidance to live their lives. The rich spiritual discipline of understanding dreams and seeking to live in harmony with the messages they bring can enrich lives with comfort, challenge, and practical solutions to problems of daily life.

Dreams Related to Death and Dying

Before people die, they often have powerful dreams that connect them to the Divine. During the death process, loved ones also often have vibrant dreams related to their loved one’s dying. This workshop explores the dream process as it relates to people making their transition from this world to the next.

Summer Dream Conference: God’s Forgotten Language

This annual conference is for all (beginners as well as advanced) who want to recover the ancient Biblical tradition of listening for God’s word for us in our nightly dreams. This conference is for professionals (especially clergy), counselors and therapists, lay dream-group leaders, and also for dreamwork beginners.

Visit The Haden Institute for more details.

Dream Group/Journey Group Resource Packet

A packet of handouts, guidelines, articles, book suggestions, and other resources of interest to dream groups. Permission to print and reproduce for non-commercial use is granted.

Download the Resource Packet

To learn more about dreams and spirituality visit: delos-inc.com



Books On Dreams

Natural Spirituality by Joyce Rockwood Hudson”
Negotiating the Inner Peace Treaty by Dr. Chelsea Wakefield
Dreams, God's Forgotten Language by John Sanford
Memories Dreams and Reflections by Carl Jung
Inner Work by Robert Johnson
A Colorful Life by Connie Kaplan
Invisible Garment by Connie Kaplan
All books by Marion Woodman

Books on Symbols and Archetypes:

An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols by Cooper
Dictionary of Symbols and Imagery Ad de Vries
Dictionary of Symbols by J. E. Cirlot



The Haden Institute in North Carolina offers a rich curriculum for people interested in dream work or spritual direction. Two intensive, certification programs are offered, as well as the annual summer conference on dreams.

To learn more about the The Haden Institute, visit hadeninstitute.com



Inviting Wisdom into our lives...

The Rose in the World is a publication dedicated to illuminating and bringing the Wisdom of the unconscious, the spirit, psyche, and soul into everyday life. We celebrate and affirm that the Divine speaks to us in visions, in waking life synchronicities, and in our nightly dreams.  We bring you stories, artwork, poetry, and prose, wherein spiritual wisdom is honored in all its forms: in any house of faith and prayer, in nature, and in life. The Rose in The World also connects dream groups all over the country and abroad, and provides a forum for our faith communities engaged in constellating inner work in their daily walk with their God.

For more info and issues of The Rose visit roseintheworld.org

For audio about dreams and spirituality click here



Why turtle?  The indigenous people  of our continent call the North America “turtle island.”  The turtle has 13 divisions on her back.  The lunar year has 13 full moons.  And this website, created by dreamers on Turtle Island, is about learning to understand dreaming through the lens of lunar influences.

This site is the result of a mystical experience Connie Kaplan had in which she was taught about dreaming while asleep – taught about dreaming in the dream.

We invite you to explore it, and especially to take advantage of the unique opportunities it offers to participate with other dreamers around the world!

For more info about Turtle Dreamers visit TurtleDreamers.com