Dreams & Spirituality

 Dreams communicate the needs of the soul as participants prayerfully seek God’s guidance to live their lives.

Prayer & Meditation

Meditation is  the centerpiece of my spiritual life. I teach adults and children how to quiet the mind, find more silence, and listen for God's guidance through meditation.

Relationships as Teacher

Having been a couple's therapist for 25 years, I now do seminars for couples who want to strengthen their relationships. These classes combine evidence based research on marriage with Christian spiritual principles. We focus on communication, bonding patterns, attachment issues, intimacy, conflict resolution, forgiveness, and goals for the future. 

Interfaith work

My colleagues and I go to faith based groups and offer programs on interfaith harmony. We also teach others how to start interfaith work in their own communities with the goal of "reducing  the hatred and fear among the worlds religions."



The purpose of my work is to give people practical tools for listening to God’s Wisdom in many forms, including: dream work,  deep prayer and meditation, relationships, as well as  interfaith dialogue.  Here you will find articles; digital editions of The Rose, a spiritual newsletter; information about organizations engaged in dream work; free audio lecture downloads from The Haden Summer Dream Conference; links to interfaith work; and occasional event announcements. Click here to view my letters of recommendation.